Monday, April 22, 2013


I'm boiling over, but outside I face the world
with a smile, a giggle, and a shrug.
I don't care what you say about me,
my face implies.
I don't care what you think about me,
my face implores.
I don't care that you hate my personality and lifestyle,
my face struggles to convey.
But I care.  Oh yes, I do.
I don't understand how people can judge another
in such a hateful way.
I do not understand hate in any form.
My beliefs are not yours;
So what?
My style and thoughts are not yours,
Why do you care?
Why can't you live and let live?
Why do you let my tattoos bother you?
Why do you let my lack of religion get under your skin?
Why does my very existence rub you the wrong way?
I hope you know, the next time you judge,
That you are tearing other people up
Inside and out.
I am not a mean person,
But I hope your god judges you for all eternity
For being so full of hate.

-Erin M. Truesdale
April 22, 2013

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