I am so bitter and damaged.
I have zero patience for other people and their quirks. I don’t expect anyone to have patience with
mine, either, if I can’t return the favor.
And it’s not that I choose to have no patience for the way people talk
around things, the games they play (willingly or not… a lot of it is completely
unconscious), and how people will say something but have an entirely different
motive behind their words… it’s just my past experiences combined with my
psychological training that’s made me this way.
I equate it with my atheism: once I have the proof, there’s no going
back. I know so much about psychological
phenomena and how the brain literally works (down to parts of the brain and
neurons) that I can’t just pretend like I don’t know these things. It genuinely influences my opinion of humans
in general.
And don’t get me started on how my training and life
experiences have affected my outlook on MYSELF.
Good god. I think those are two
things that make my depression so much worse.
I’ve studied depression in depth, and the fact that, even though I know,
in theory, how to overcome depression, and what I should do in order to take
steps to help myself, and I STILL can’t, tells me the power of the brain is SO
much more than we will ever fathom (at least that is my educated opinion on
that matter). We learn more and more
about the brain and how it works every year, but there are still so many
questions that remain unanswered, or are answered with a, “We don’t know that
I’ve always been a humble person, so I become extremely
frustrated when a person who has never suffered from depression; or someone who
thinks depression is just a big, dramatic tug for attention; or a person that
thinks depression is a sign of weakness; offers me advice on how I should be
able to ‘get over it.’ Really? Do you think it’s that simple? Do you think I wake up everyday and say to
myself, “Gee, it sure does sound fun to be paralyzed and unable to move or be
productive! I really enjoy the thought
of being paranoid and anxious over things that are simple everyday actions for
everyone else. I love crying, let’s cry
all day long, that sounds great! You
know what would be fun? Canceling my
plans with friends because of my social anxiety and crippling panic attacks,
because that’s exactly the right way to keep friends! Oh, and let’s eat everything in the house and
gain a ton of weight, cuz that’s exactly how one goes about boosting
self-esteem and self-worth!” Do you see
how ludicrous it sounds now?
I also have a hard time with how my presence is seen now
that I’m back in Minnesota. I believe
that many of my friends genuinely forget I’m here and available to go out and
have fun. I was gone for two years and was
so crushed that I couldn’t see my friends that I didn’t call. It’s too hard for me to hear the voice of
someone I will never see in person. I
would text, but I do have several friends that won’t accept texts, and since I
won’t talk on the phone, and they won’t text, we just didn’t talk. Not talking for two years is almost like I
fell off the face of the planet and… died.
And in a way, I did die.
I will never tell you exactly what happened to me that made
me ‘run away’ to Arizona. Never. You just have to believe me, if I hadn’t
left, I would have done something really ‘stupid’ to myself, to put it
nicely. If you’d like to think of me as
weak and ‘running away from my problems’ whatever, I don’t care, you can think
what you want. No skin off my nose. The result of my two year disappearance is
that many of my friendships, that were so incredibly close at the time I left,
are now irreparably broken. I’m
invisible. I’m shunned. I might as well be dead.
Which, of course, leads to my depression worsening. I was trying my hardest for a very long time
to build up the courage to go out and meet a guy (who shall remain nameless). To talk, to laugh, to perhaps date
eventually. I couldn’t do it. Yeah, it’s my own fault, I couldn’t get past
my own fears and insecurities. Of course
the guy blames me for it and doesn’t understand any of the mental illness
underlying it. Whatever. It’s for the better to get rid of people who
have zero understanding of mental illness.
But it’s discouraging, because there were TWO times that I got all
dolled up, drove out to where we were going to meet for a beer, and had such a
severe anxiety/panic attack that I had to cancel. It’s something I need to work through, but it
makes me feel even less human than I already do. I get the question, “So, are you seeing
someone?” and when I answer, “No,” the overwhelming response is
ridiculous. “Oh, that’s too bad,” or
“You need to get a man!” or other such silly things. No, I don’t need anyone, thank you very much.
I need to work on me. And that’s exactly what I’m trying to do.
I will not be forced to meet up with strangers for
dates. If you can’t be patient enough to
wait for me to be ready and ask you
if you’d like to go out for a date, then you don’t deserve me. And I don’t need any man forcing me to do anything. The next time a man does that to me, they are
going to get an eyeball gouged out, and I’m not even kidding. I’ve been hurt by men both physically and
emotionally one too many times in my life.
If it even comes close to happening again, the man is going to be sorry.
My mind is a complex hurricane, yet at the same time, it is
a paralyzed, throbbing organic ball in cardiac arrest. So much is going on, yet the level of
complexity cripples me. It angers me
when people try to suggest simple things that might help. Some time away. A nice cup of tea. A movie.
No, no, no. Nothing will help
me. Not you, not anybody. It’s hard to talk to someone when I can tell
(I’m a professional, you can’t pull the wool over my eyes) they aren’t
interested in what I’m saying. And just
like I’ve been saying all my life… I don’t say much, so if I am going to use
the breath to talk to you, by god you better listen to what I’m saying. If not, I’m never going to confide in you
again. Simple. If someone comes to me with a problem or
concern, I give them 100% of my attention and really listen. I give more feedback than just “yeah.” If you convince me to talk to you, you better
be willing to put in some effort. If you’re
a man, don’t touch me or try to cuddle with me.
Just don’t. That is the last
thing on the face of the planet I want.
Just listen. Don’t try to crack a
joke, don’t try to fix me. Just
listen. It’s not rocket science, I